Friday, June 15, 2012

Obummer Tramples the Constitution...Again

The Lying King
Well, he did it again today.  The Constitution means nothing to this sorry excuse for a leader.  He announced today that his administration will no longer deport illegal aliens between the ages of 16 and 36, that meet several other criteria.  This is basically similar to the "Dream Act" that he was unable to get passed by Congress previously.  Rather than accept "The Will of the People", a phrase he used when he rammed Obamacare through Congress with only Democrat votes, regarding the Dream Act, he has decided to make this a law through Executive Order.

On September 28, 2011, he stated in an interview that he was prevented from doing this by the Constitution.  He said that he wasn't a king.  So what changed since then?  He is now starting to show signs that he is going to lose the upcoming election and he hopes this will generate an increase in votes, legal or illegal, from the Hispanic population.  Anything to win this election.  He also said, within a couple months of assuming the office, that he had three years to fix the economy or he would only have a one term presidency.  The economy is still broken but he is doing everything he can to get a second term anyway.

This equals 2 more lies by Obama.  The L/P/S repeatedly said that "Bush lied!", but they are strangely silent about this president Lying.  Funny how the story changes when the president is a L/P/S.  I don't believe that Bush lied as he was accused by the "left", but OBAMA IS A CHRONIC LIAR.  He really needs to go back to Chicago.

Just for the record, I don't have a problem with the Dream Act type order that Obummer posted today, I just have a problem with how he did it by trampling the Constitution and not allowing the legislative process work as it was designed.  I guess he really does think he is a king..."The Lying King".

If you aren't outraged by Obama...
you aren't paying attention!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

It's the ECONOMY, stupid...

Actually, I don't believe Obummer is as stupid about the economy as many would want you to believe.  Some say his lack of experience is causing him to just make bad decisions.  I don't believe that for a minute.  Obummer is cold and calculating and NOT dumb or stupid by any means and is following HIS strategy to move our country closer and closer to Socialism.  

What started all of this was the housing bubble bursting.  Why did it burst?  The L/P/S (Liberal/Progressive/Socialist) leaders in congress, primarily the Queen of the House, Barney Frank and his maneuvers to make home ownership a right for all Americans by forcing Fannie, Freddie and all other lending institutions to relax their standards for obtaining a mortgage.  Once the regulations were relaxed, the housing market opened up and home prices spiralled unrealistically upward.

Suddenly, a bunch of people who did not have the means necessary to pay a mortgage, got one anyway.  This was followed by massive numbers of mortgage defaults and foreclosures.  Now there are thousands of homes owned by the lenders and are sold off in firesale fashion resulting in an unrealistic glut of homes in the market and significant drop in home values.  Numerous lenders were forced to declare bankruptcy because of all the losses from these bad mortgages.  This caused the entire economy to spiral downward.

Throughout this period, except for a $786 billion dollar bail out of the banks and car manufacturers, Obummer proceeded to push his Socialist Medical Insurance plan fondly tagged as Obamacare.  This massive socialist boondoggle has resulted in businesses facing new, increased expenses when they hire a new employee.  No one is absolutely sure how much it will increase, so businesses are stalling hiring plans until they have firm numbers to rely on.  As a result, unemployment numbers begin to skyrocket because everyone is afraid to expand to a point where they may eventually go bankrupt after the healthcare law kicks in fully and no businesses are hiring.

During all of this, Obummer keeps spending like a drunken sailor, and I know how much a drunken sailor's a lot.  After three and a half years. He has outspent every other president in history on incredible investments like Solyndra.  Realizing that we were too far in debt, $15.5 TRILLION, he started his campaign to get more revenue into the treasury.  His idea...TAX THE RICH...more!  This is another Socialist scheme.  The problem with Socialism is, as Margaret Thatcher once said, "Eventually you run out of other people's money."  Now, more uncertainty has been injected into the problem. 

The rich will ALWAYS operate their businesses to maximize their profits for their benefit.  If operating costs have to be cut, the lowest on the totem pole on the company payroll will be applying for unemployment benefits.  The last person to take a paycut, will be the owner, as it should be.  Also, TAX THE RICH, means that the job creaters will have to pay the taxes that have increased, which means that their income must increase, resulting in higher prices, which means that the taxes imposed on the rich are actually paid by the poor customers. By the way, have any of you every received a pay check from a poor person?  Me neither.

Also, early in the Reign of Terror of Obummer, the Deepwater Horizon/BP oil spill happened.  No doubt, it was a devastating event on it's own...but Obummers actions made it even worse.  It was the Evil Oil Baron's that Obummer hates so much that caused it.  So what does Obummer do...cancels all drilling permits.  Oh, and later on, he refused to allow the Keystone XL oil pipeline construction to proceed from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.  OK...what was the result of these actions by Obummer? 

HIGHER GASOLINE PRICES !!!!  We all paid them.  And what happens when oil prices go up?  Yes, prices of EVERYTHING goes up due to higher fuel costs for the trucks that deliver everything we buy.  And who pays these increased costs????  Everyone, including the sacred poor. I say "Sacred Poor" because Obummer wants to "give" the poor something for nothing so that they will feel indebted to him and keep him in office. Hence the massive increase in Food Stamp use since he has been in office.  It's all part of the Redistribution of Wealth central to Socialism.

And while we are talking about the sacred poor...let's discuss how much Income Tax they pay.  NOTHING !!!!!  What's worse is that many of them receive an Income Tax Refund Check.  That's right, they've had NOTHING WITHHELD but they get a tax refund anyway.  It used to be called a welfare check but apparently, that's politically incorrect now.  The last figures I heard about said that approximately 48% of American citizens pay No Income Tax.  How about if we try something new and TAX the POOR.  I think if we share the wealth, we should also share the responsibility.  That is TRUE FAIRNESS !!!!

If you aren't outraged at Obama...
you aren't paying attention !!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Right(?) to Vote

For those of you that closely follow the news, no matter whether you watch the liberal mainstream media or (like me) the Fair and Balanced Fox News Channel, you must have noticed the current debates surrounding Attorney Corporal Eric Hold-up and his crusade for the right to vote for minorities.  The latest flare-up involves one state who is attempting to purge their voter roles of registered voters who have died or been convicted of a felony to help stem voter fraud.  The purge has been stopped by the USAG.

Yes, this is the same person who refused to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation in the 2008 election, an act that was documented on videotape.  Voter intimidation is OK as long as the odds are that it will result in extra Democrat votes.  Likewise, the extra names on voter roles can not be used to perpetrate extra fraudulent votes for Democrats if those "extra" names are purged from the roles.  This is NOT a case of disenfranchised legitimate minority voters.  This is clearly a case of allowing voter fraud to assist Obummer in overcoming his recent troubles and still win re-election.

I have studied the Constitution and assure you that there is NO RIGHT TO VOTE guaranteed in the United States Constitution.  The 14th, and 15th Amendments which were ratified between 1865 and 1870, and the 19th Amendment which was ratified in 1920, all refer to  restrictions to prevent discrimination against anyone over age 21, race, color or previous slaves or by gender.  So according to the Constitution, you don't necessarily have a right to vote, BUT you can't be denied the privilege of voting due to race, sex, etc.

So where does this "Sacred Right to Vote" come from.  The Voting Rights Act of 1964 established the "right" to vote in the United States.  President Lyndon Johnson (I don't have to think of another parody name for him since not only was he a Johnson, but he was also a "johnson" ... think about it) signed the act  making the right to vote a law, BUT not a Constitutional Right like free speech, etc. By the strict letter of this law, Hold-up is doing what is called for by antiquated provisions of the law that were written into it during a time when civil rights, particularly in the South were basically non-existent.

In today's world, the provisions that Hold-up is using make for an legal excuse that could enable voter fraud to take place that could favor Obummer.  Eric Hold-up has far and away surpassed Janet Reno as the WORST, MOST PARTISAN Attorney Corporal in U.S. History.  Time to send him home by firing Obummer.

If you're not outraged at Obama and his minions ...
you're NOT paying attention.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why is Common Sense so UNcommon?

I saw on the news today a story that made me stop and realize that if I was a teenager today, I could be a convicted criminal with a record.  A high school freshman was suspended from school and arrested on assault with a weapon charge for shooting....wait for it....SPITBALLS !!!!!  What in the hell were these people thinking?????  An assault with a weapon charge for spitballs????  Why would they do that????   EASY.....Socialism.  I know, it's Bud getting to rant about Socialism again.  Boring !  Except, it's more likely than you may think.

Why was one of Karl Marx's  10 Tenets of Communism to provide "a free education for all children in public schools"?   Could it be to turn public education into a Communist Socialist) Indoctrination System.  YES !  But why would they do something like charging this student with assault with a weapon?  To scare the hell out of all of the kids to "keep them in line and compliant".  To teach them not to speak out and to go along with what they are told by the "officials".  A strong argument for private schools or home schooling.

We have also heard about students going out with their parent's before the first day of school each year to buy school supplies required for their classroom work.  When they get to school that first day, they are all told to place their cherished pens, pencils and other goodies in the "Community Box" for everyone to share.  In a Socialist world, you are not allowed to own personal possessions, everything must be shared for the "common good".

Socialism is alive and (unfortunately) well in our country.  It is becoming more and more pervasive, even blatant and there is only one way to stop out the Socialists in our government.  Let's start with Obummer !!!!!  The Socialist in Chief.  The Socialists are NOT limited to the Democrat Party.  Pay attention to the voting record of ALL of the members of Congress including the Republicans too and give them a Donald Trump..."You're FIRED !" line on election day.  Any body that wants to live in a Socialist Country should move to Europe.  Their are plenty of Socialist Countries there to pick from.  Leave my (actually our) Constitutional Republic alone.

If you're not're NOT paying attention.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Freedom of Religion

Please note that I have made a correction to my previous post.

This is an exact quote from the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;".  I know this is a novel concept where  Liberals/Progressives/Socialists are concerned, but let's look at exactly what the words say and use a little common sense (which apparently is not very common where L/B/S's are concerned).  Please show me where this statement prohibits the display of the Ten Commandments or a Cross in a Government Building. It doesn't !!!!!  To come up with a reason for those prohibitions, you have to twist the words to mean something different than what they actually say.

The key phrase to me is "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". This seems to me to be the main problem today. The only groups that appear not to be interfered with by the government are the Atheists and the Muslims. Yes, I believe Atheism is a religion although most of their tenets are in fact anti-religion, they still react to their beliefs as a religion.  Some Atheists assert their beliefs on society by being offended by the symbols of other religions.  Since Freedom of Religion is a 1st Amendment right like Freedom of Speech,   I submit again that the First Amendment does NOT offer protection from being offended.  If you are offended by the Cross of Christianity or the Jewish Star of David, tough beans!!! Get over it.

Your right to Freedom of Religion ends when it negatively affects my ability to practice the religion of my choice just as my rights end when I negatively affect your rights.  Just because you find my religion offensive, you have no right to prohibit my personal practice nor do I have a right prohibit yours.  In other words, let's both just shut up about being offended and ignore each other's religious practices.  Forcing me through the courts to give up my religious symbols and practices because they offend you is just ignorant and closed minded. 

One point of discussion during this campaign season has been whether Obummer is a Christian or not.  My bottom line, "IT DOESN'T MATTER".  Although I personally believe that Jeremiah Wright (Obummers religious mentor and you may notice I refuse to use the title Rev. in front of his name) is a bigoted, racist, anti-American, the President has a right to practice his religious beliefs any way he chooses.  This is one of the few times I will give Obummer a pass on anything.

As for Mutt Romney, I have heard a lot of people saying they won't vote for him simply because he is a Mormon and that's a stupid religion.  Personally, I would rather have a Mormon in the Oval Office than someone who received his religious mentoring from a bigoted, racist, ANTI-AMERICAN radical who was quoted as saying, "God Damn AMERICA".  AGAIN, LET'S TRY COMMON SENSE FOR A CHANGE.

If you aren't outraged at Obama,
you aren't paying attention !!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorial Day 2012


Happy Memorial Day !!!!  Although traditionally in recent years, this holiday is popularly known as the "Unofficial First Day of Summer", and a day for swimming, boating, camping, picnics, barbeques, etc., it's history goes back to just after the end of U.S. Civil War on May 30, 1868. First referred to as Decoration Day to recognize the Union Soldiers who died in the Civil War by decorating their graves.  After World War Two, people began referring to the holiday as Memorial Day.  In 1967, Congress passed a law officially changing the name of the holiday to Memorial Day.

Please understand that this holiday is NOT about Veterans still living or Active Duty Military personnel.  We have Veteran's Day and Armed Forces Day for them.  It IS a day to pray, reflect, and Thank all those who gave the greatest sacrifice for their country, their life.  Every man and woman who joins the military signs a blank check for a value up to and including their life.  Memorial Day recognizes those whose check was cashed for full face value, those who paid the ultimate price for their country.  Memorial Day is a day set aside to thank these heroes for their ultimate sacrifice.

For over two hundred years, brave men and women have sacrificed their freedom, their fortunes and their lives in the name of freedom and we owe them a great debt of gratitude.  Unfortunately, we are currently living in a time of great turmoil.  We are being led by a President who has promised to "Fundamentally transform" our great nation.  Unfortunately, for all of us, those who fell under the spell of his charismatic slogans of "Hope and Change" and "Yes we can", and bumrushed him into the Oval Office with their misguided votes, we now see that he "Hoped" you would fall for his veiled slogans so he could "Fundamentally transform" and "Change" our great nation into a European style of Socialism.

I believe many of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom, are turning over in their graves with the direction our country is taking.  I have never met a veteran who has said that they were fighting for Socialism. It is time for ALL patriots, veterans, active duty and civilians to STAND UP for Freedom and each do everything in their power to STOP Obummer from being re-elected.  It's time to get the Government out of our pockets, and back to what the Constitution allows.  It's time to reduce the size of our bloated government.  It's time to end federal oversight of education.  We need to return the responsibility for education to the states and shut down the Department of Education Bureaucracy.  All of the states already have their own Education Bureaucracy.  Why do we need to double that cost with Federal Oversight?

Since meaningful government reform is virtually impossible, it's also time to shut down the Environtal Protection Administration and it's heavy handed over-regulation of every aspect of our lives.  They regularly act as sheriff, judge, jury and executioner with NO DUE PROCESS.  Their actions ruin lives, and run up the costs of doing business to the point of raising prices on everything we buy. For WHAT????, to keep some little lizard or bird from becoming extinct?  Who do they think they are????  GOD????   Species have gone extinct since life began.  Why do we feel we have to fix that.  It's NATURE people.  Let's worry about what we can control and let God worry about the rest of it.

Let's also end the "Man-Caused Global Warming" BS once and for all.  It's just a get rich scheme by Algore and his minions to sell "Carbon Credits" for billions of dollars with the promise of "Saving the Earth".  It's a LIE folks...a L/P/S LIE designed to remove dollars from your pocket to line the pockets of Algore and his cronies.  DON'T FALL FOR IT !!!!!!

If you vote for're stuck on STUPID !!!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Back to the Constitution

Before I get started on this topic, I have to explain that due to a long term illness, I have found it necessary to resign from the Brenda Lenard for Senate campaign.  I am NOT retracting my support for Brenda, I just don't have the strength or stamina to keep up with the fast pace of the campaign.  I have been in bed for 4+ days due to extreme fatigue.

In my post titled "Freedom of Speech", I started discussing the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. It's time to go into the 1st Amendment a little farther.  I have a real problem with Liberals/Progressives/Socialists (who I will refer to in the future as L/P/S.) who feel they have exclusive control over free speech.  They feel that free speech only applies to the ideals they believe in.  They repeatedly insist on apologies or lawsuits or firing the offender when a Conservative says something they find "OFFENSIVE" simply because they disagree with it.  They need to get over it!!!  Political Correctness be damned.

When the Dixie Twits Natalie Maines said in Europe that she was ashamed that President George W Bush was from Texas, the liberal media gave her a pass. True Conservatives taught her the truth about free speech, that if you say something outrageous, you may lose most of your fans.  Anybody heard anything from the Twits lately?  Didn't think so.  That's how free speech works.  You can say anything you honestly believe to be true as long as you are willing to accept the consequences.  Consequences from your friends, family, fans, etc. but NOT consequences from the Government.  Only obscenity, defamation, incitement to riot, and "fighting words" are illegal.

I have studied the Constitution and the one thing I cannot find in that document is a Freedom from Being Offended.  As much as the L/P/S demands that we can't say offensive things, I believe in being an equal opportunity offender.  I really don't care what you think about my opinions, I'm still going to say what I believe to be true and that makes my speech legal and protected.  If you are offended by it, go read some liberal blog.

The First Amendment does not stop with free speech, it also includes Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, Peaceable Assembly and the right to petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances.  In my next post, I plan to address Freedom of Religion, and I bet I will p!$$ some people off.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Since my last post, my life has turned into a whirlwind.  I have collected so many things I want to write about, but I just haven't had time.  I have recently realized a new purpose to my life. Writing this blog has been my one sanity check against all the psychopaths running our government.  It has been the one thing I felt I could do to help bring about change. All of that has changed.

On Saturday, May 5, 2012, I attended a local gun show.  As I meandered around, I noticed a politician's table.  I didn't know who this person was or what party she represented, and never being one to back down from the possibility of a good political discourse, I approached the table.  I was wearing my "Retired Navy CPO" ballcap and immediately the "candidate" stepped out from behind the table to shake my hand and thank me for my service.

I asked her what party she was affiliated with and much to my dismay, she replied Republican.  Darn, I was itching for a battle of words and it turned out that she was on the "Right" side after all.  She introduced herself as Brenda Lenard and told me she was running against Boob Corker.  We started talking, and her platform was 99% the same as my beliefs.  She asked me if I was willing to volunteer some time to help her with her campaign and I readily said "YES!". It has been non-stop since then. 

She asked me to attend a "Meet and Greet" with her in Athens, TN on Tuesday evening. I spent a lot of time Sunday and Monday preparing some samples of ideas that I had to help her campaign.  I took the items with me to Athens and she was ecstatic about my ideas.  When she learned about my background in Public Affairs, Teaching, Photography, Videography and Design work, she asked me to become her "Campaign Strategist" and after pointing out that I wanted to make sure that title wouldn't confuse me with Boob Bechel, the Democrat side of "Fair and Balanced" on Fox News "The Five", who was a Democrat Campaign Strategist back in Jiminy Carter days, I agreed.

Had a meeting with her and our website devloper last night from 5 to 9.  She's coming by shortly to meet about preparing the written content for the website and have it ready to post on the website when it is nearly finished.  Going to Lewisburg, TN tomorrow for the Reagan Day Dinner when I will get to meet the rest of the members of the campaign team.

The "Bottom Line" is that I finally feel I am really doing something important for my country. Something I truly have been missing since I retired from the Navy. the way...if you aren't OUTRAGED at Obama...You really aren't paying attention !!!!!!


Friday, May 4, 2012

The Slogan Master Has a New Slogan

I'm sure we all remember Obummers slogan from the 2008 election..."Hope and Change".  So many were angry at President Bush that many were suckered onto this slogan as meaning New Hope and a Change from the way President Bush governed.  Surprise, we found out too late that what Obummer Hoped for and what he wanted to "Fundamentally" Change was our beloved Constitutional Republic into a full blown European Socialist State.  So far, he has been astonishingly successful.  We now are part owners of GM (fondly now referred to as Government Motors), Chrysler, several large banks and financial institutions among others. 

We are also racing toward a European style Socialist Medical Insurance system which hopefully the Supremes will deem unconstitutional when their verdict is rendered later this summer. Remember the former House Madam, Mistress Nancy when she said they have to pass the law in order to find out what was in it. Well, we found out and many of us are very, very unhappy about it.  You thought you could keep your current insurance like Obummer promised?  Guess what...probably NOT !!!!  Guess who LIED to you...Obummer.  Remember the "Bush Lied" chants from the left.  He didn't lie, but Obummer DID.

Now it's a new election season and Obummer has selected a new slogan..."FORWARD".  Based on the results we discovered from his last slogan, we can only believe the he means to move forward with shoving his dream of a full blown USSA (United Socialist States of Amerika) up our tushies.  And believe me, it will be painful.  If this is not his plan, why would he tell Medviedev to let Putin know that he wouldn't be free to negotiate until after the election and then he will be free to do whatever he wants without having to be worried about reelection. SCARY !!!!!!!

I don't know ANY Veterans who said they were fighting for Socialism.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Freedom of Speech

Well, it's been a long week trying to write my first real post of this new election season.  No, I haven't been suffering from writers block...just the opposite...I have too many things I want to say and I have been trying to prioritize my thoughts and limit them to a digestible size and keep my posts concise and not ramble on about too many different subjects in each post.

First, I want to give some fresh background about what I want to cover and how.  I proudly served this great nation in the U.S. Navy for 23+ years.  During that period, I took The United States Navy Oath of Enlistment a total of 7 times.  In that Oath, I swore " protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC..."  I still cherish our Constitution (I carry a copy with me at all times) and I still feel compelled to continue to Live The Oath Every Day.  Keeping that in mind, I feel that President Obama has trampled on the Constitution and does therefore fit the definition of a DOMESTIC ENEMY.  I therefore feel compelled to continue to protect and defend the Constitution by doing everything legally within my power to help enable the defeat of the President's bid for a second term.

Over the next several months, I will try to outline exactly what I feel the President has done (or not done) and why I feel he is NOT living up to the Constitutional duties of his office.  This week, a Marine Sergeant with 10 (?) years of service was kicked out of the Corps (or as the President once stated, "The Corpse") because of a posting he made on Facebook about refusing to follow the orders of the President.  Although I understand and sympathize with his position, the outcome  from his actions were CORRECT.  He forgot that as an active duty member of the military, he does NOT enjoy the Constitutional First Amendment protection of Freedom of Speech.

We all know that Freedom of Speech does have some legal limitations, such as the problem this Marine Sergeant faced as well as perjury, libel and slander, falsely yelling fire in a crowded theater, etc.  Unfortunately, the liberals (or progressives, or socialists) believe that they have a right to shut you up for perfectly legal, truthful speech that they just disagree with. Call it by the common term in use now...political correctness.  They feel that if you say something that they disagree with, something they find OFFENSIVE, they have the right to shut you up.  UNFORTUNATELY, they should be on the losing side of that battle since the Constitution clearly addresses Freedom of Speech, Freedom from Being Offended...NOT SO MUCH !! 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Well, I have been away from blogging for awhile.  With everything going on in this year's campaigns, I just can't stay quiet any longer and I suspect at least some of my Facebook "Friends" don't appreciate a lot of my comments. I will invite all of them to my blog and if they are interested, they can read what I have to say and if they aren't interested, Screw ''s their loss.  Stay tuned, I'll be starting soon.